Comprehensive ‎Protection Response ‎through provision of ‎psycho-social and ‎mental health services

  • 2021-07-18

Comprehensive ‎Protection Response ‎through provision of ‎psycho-social and ‎mental health servicesComprehensive ‎Protection Response ‎through provision of ‎psycho-social and ‎mental health servicesComprehensive ‎Protection Response ‎through provision of ‎psycho-social and ‎mental health servicesComprehensive ‎Protection Response ‎through provision of ‎psycho-social and ‎mental health servicesComprehensive ‎Protection Response ‎through provision of ‎psycho-social and ‎mental health servicesComprehensive ‎Protection Response ‎through provision of ‎psycho-social and ‎mental health services

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Back to Home initiative; ‎provide MHPSS services ‎for people in ‎quarantine center in ‎Gaza

  • 2021-04-02

The initiative aims to enhance resilience and ‎facilitate access to multi-sectoral services (MHPSS ‎and GBV) for affected women and children due to ‎COVID-19 emergency situation at home or ‎quarantine centers to in Gaza Strip through ‎providing remote Multisectoral services to affected ‎women and children at home and quarantine ‎centers to assure their safe back to home and ‎normal life in Gaza strip.‎

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Comprehensive ‎Protection Response ‎for women at risk and ‎survivors of GBV in the ‎most vulnerable

  • 2021-03-25

Comprehensive ‎Protection Response ‎through provision of ‎psycho-social and ‎mental health servicesComprehensive ‎Protection Response ‎through provision of ‎psycho-social and ‎mental health servicesComprehensive ‎Protection Response ‎through provision of ‎psycho-social and ‎mental health servicesComprehensive ‎Protection Response ‎through provision of ‎psycho-social and ‎mental health servicesComprehensive ‎Protection Response ‎through provision of ‎psycho-social and ‎mental health services

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Shifting perspectives of ‎men and boys of ‎Masculinity and Gender ‎Equality

  • 2021-03-25

The project designed to engage men and boys in ‎building peace through transformative approaches, ‎empowering them with new skills and resources to ‎question and transform rigid and violent narratives ‎of masculinity, and adopt peaceful and positive ‎sense of masculinity. The workshop and training ‎materials addressed the concept of masculinity, ‎importance of engaging men in achieving gender ‎justice and the existing narratives about ‎masculinity, as well as examining power, emotions ‎and violence, and finally conflict transformation ‎and activism. Furthermore, awareness raising ‎sessions and workshops conducted with the ‎school’s stu ...

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Improving access to ‎mental health care and ‎psycho-social support ‎services for the most ‎vulnerable women and ‎girls and their families in ‎quarantine and remote ‎communities in the ‎Gaza Strip

  • 2020-12-01

The project addresses main problem of "Limited ‎access to community based integrated MHPSS ‎services by affected women, girls and their families ‎in quarantine and remote communities. Overall ‎objective is "Improved mental health and ‎psychosocial well-being and resilience of most ‎vulnerable women and adolescent girls and their ‎families in quarantine and remote communities ‎based on MHPSS guidelines in emergency settings" ‎outcomes: 1. Enhanced capacity building of front-‎line workers from MHPSS service providers; 2. ‎Improved emotional, mental and social well-being; ‎and enhanced resilience of most vulnerable ‎women and ado ...

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Back to Home initiative; ‎provide MHPSS services ‎for people in ‎quarantine center in ‎Gaza

  • 2020-10-10

The initiative aims to increase preparedness and ‎improve response for affected women and ‎children from C19 at Quarantine Centers and home ‎quarantine in the Gaza Strip through providing ‎quality Remote Multisectoral services to affected ‎women and children at home and quarantine ‎centers to assure their safe back to home and ‎normal life in Gaza strip.‎

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CATCH - Creative ArTs ‎for CHange in Gaza

  • 2020-08-01

Palestinians in Gaza, especially women, are facing ‎severe challenges in their life. They are isolated, ‎they risk physical and psychological violence, child ‎marriages and many show signs of severe ‎psychosocial distress. The project aims to empower ‎young female network in their work with social ‎circus as a tool to create social change, to support ‎women and girls exposed to inequality and to ‎inspire the community.‎

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Protecting and Building ‎the Resilience of ‎Women and Girls ‎impacted by the Great ‎March of Return in ‎Gaza

  • 2020-06-01

  The project mainly aims at empowering women ‎and shifting their roles within their families and ‎communities where their self-reliance ‎strengthened. ‎ ‎ The project’s overall goal is to contribute to ‎women’s own empowerment, as women’s roles ‎within their families and communities shift and ‎their self-reliance strengthened. Aisha will reach to ‎‎6000 women and girls impacted by the GMR ‎including women victims of GBV and female ‎adolescents and provide 250 case management ‎through online counseling via Zahr app, structured ‎group psycho-social support, family therapy, ‎awareness raising workshops, ref ...

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Family strengthening ‎program

  • 2020-01-13

Multi sectoral services for poor families and ‎children at risk of being in the street or subjected ‎to violence including MHPSS, food security, ‎education, and health services.‎

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Women Can Compete; ‎More economic ‎opportunities for young ‎women in Gaza City

  • 2020-01-10

  AISHA through the proposed project aim to ‎increased access to wage employment for young ‎female graduates in Gaza City through specific ‎objectives 1) Increased employability skills of ‎young female universities and colleges graduates ‎to facilitate their access to labour market; 2) ‎Advanced capacities and coordination of privet ‎sectors companies as wage employers in matching ‎jobs to skills of universities and colleges, TVTE ‎graduates‏.‏ AISHA will implement several activities such as ‎conduct value chain analysis, on job training activity ‎which will target 40 women / graduates aged 25 – ‎‎30 years old to be ...

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Family strengthening ‎program

  • 2020-01-05

Multi sectoral services for poor families and ‎children at risk of being in the street or subjected ‎to violence including MHPSS, food security, ‎education, and health services.‎

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Women Can Compete; ‎Innovative Approach to ‎Secure the Long-Term ‎Survival of Vulnerable ‎target Groups in the ‎Labour Market through ‎Home-Based Self-‎Employment

  • 2020-01-01

  The project offers training, coaching, networking ‎for 30 entrepreneur women and Provide 20 out of ‎them with the needed essential procurements to ‎run their innovation home-base businesses-IHBB in ‎Gaza and the north governorates that hold success ‎factor in challenging humanitarian context ‎characterized recently by the spread of covid-19 ‎and lockdown with high security measures and ‎restrictions on movement. The project targets ‎vulnerable young women from marginalized areas ‎and poor economic conditions affected by COVID-‎‎19 pandemic to support the establishment of their ‎entrepreneurship Innovative Home-Based ‎business, ...

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Protection and Support ‎of Women and Girls ‎With Disabilities and ‎Survivors of Cancer ‎Subjected to GBV ‎Through Gender ‎Responsive ‎Multisectoral ‎Responses

  • 2019-11-07

The project objective is “Enhanced protection and respect of rights of vulnerable women>18 years and girls<18 years with and without disabilities and survivors of cancer subjected to GBV and increased access to gender responsive multisectoral responses.

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Enhancing protection ‎and respect of the ‎rights of vulnerable ‎women and children ‎who come into conflict ‎with the Palestinian law

  • 2019-11-05

The project aims to enhance protection and ‎respect of the rights of vulnerable women in the ‎North of the Gaza Strip through providing legal ‎services for them; consultation, representation and ‎awareness.‎

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Enhancing protection ‎and respect of the ‎rights of vulnerable ‎women and children ‎who come into conflict ‎with the Palestinian law

  • 2019-11-05

The project aims to enhance protection and respect of the rights of children who come into conflict with the Palestinian law through providing psychotherapy for the children, psychosocial support for their parents and capacity building for juvenile actors.

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Yoga and social circus ‎for women and girls in ‎Gaza strip

  • 2019-11-01

To empower Palestinian women and girls in Gaza through improved mental and physical wellbeing.

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Bent El-Sharq Initiative

  • 2019-09-10

The intervention contributes in alleviating poverty ‎and building high synergy and relation between ‎women and their husbands as well as amongst ‎themselves, who economically deprived and ‎socially marginalized, yet embarking on productive ‎work in the food processing sector in the Gaza ‎Strip.‎

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Multisectoral ‎Responses to Women ‎Victims and Survivors of ‎Gender Based Violence ‎in the Gaza Strip

  • 2019-06-01

The project will target 7515 women, men, boys and ‎girls from Gaza City through providing legal aid, ‎MHPSS, case management and referral to other ‎services, then number of women survivors will be ‎targeted in C4 W opportunities, as well the ‎capacities of Aisha staff in the intervention related ‎topics. On other hand, Aisha will apply the ‎previously developed manual Hawwa Zahra to ‎provide psychological support for GBV in crisis time, ‎developed according to IASC guidelines, cases will ‎be referred to Aisha community center for mental ‎health, substance abuse, and GBV that was license ‎from the ministry of interior and the ministry of ‎hea ...

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Support the leadership role of women in the Gaza Strip

  • 2019-04-04

Women represent a major pivot in talking about human security in various issues, and there are many responses that affect their security as men who represent their exclusion and marginalization. Think about it in that peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, woman. The project refers to equal and full women as an actor in preventing and resolving bees, and in building peace and their participation in all levels of decision-making. Women from gender-based violence.     The project targeted the project, the implementation of the projects of the project phases, where various cycles were implemented in the project. The project period spanned from January to December 2014. The D ...

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‎2019 Humanitarian ‎Response Plan in West ‎Bank and Gaza- ‎Protecting the Dignity ‎of Vulnerable Female ‎Head of Household in ‎Gaza

  • 2019-04-01

The project will contribute to: ultimate outcome ‎‎1000: Alleviated suffering, protected and ‎maintained human dignity, and lives saved for ‎vulnerable FHHs (suspended women, wives of ‎mental health patients, addicts, WWDs, women ‎with cancer, and GBV survivors) 18-59 and >59 ‎years, in poorest localities in the north and Gaza ‎governorates of the Gaza Strip in Palestine. That ‎change will be achieved 'only if ' the following ‎intermediate outcomes will be realised: 1100: ‎Increased performance and changed behaviour ‎among GBV service providers and local women ‎CBOs in offering gender- responsive assistance for ‎vulnerable FHH ...

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Toward Just & Secure ‎Future for Women

  • 2019-03-14

This project aims to improve Women and Girls’/children Access to Justice and Security by Ensuring gender- responsive Service Provision and empowerment of women. The project outcome of the project is Women access to justice and security are improved through gender- responsive service delivery and empowerment of women. This overall goal of the project will be achieved through the main outputs of the project: 1) Children and youth at 10 UNRWA schools have their awareness on women and girls’s rights increased and perceptions on VAW sensitized. ‏, 2 ‏Female inmates’ wellbeing is enhanced ‎through the provision of psychosocial support ‎provided to female inmates ...

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Provision of protection ‎support for adolescent ‎street girls’ victims of ‎GBV in Gaza Strip

  • 2019-03-13

The project aims at reducing suffering and ‎maintained human dignity of vulnerable adolescent ‎girls and their families. It will deal with stakeholders ‎to take action to protect adolescent street girls’ ‎victims of GBV, and increase the wellbeing, good ‎mental health status, knowledge and confidence of ‎adolescent street girls and their families in the Gaza ‎Strip.‎

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Yoga and social circus ‎for women and girls in ‎Gaza strip

  • 2019-01-13

The project aims to contribute to empower Palestinian girls in Gaza through improved mental and physical wellbeing in the Gaza Strip.

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Preventing early ‎marriage of children ‎girls in the Gaza Strip ‎through promoting ‎their rights and ‎empowering them to ‎become catalysts of ‎change in their ‎communities.‎

  • 2018-12-02

Considering child marriage is a form of Gender-‎Based Violence, Aisha implements a project ‎entitled "Preventing early marriage of children girls ‎in the Gaza Strip through promoting their rights and ‎empowering them to become catalysts of change ‎in their communities" as a part of its Family and ‎Child Protection Program, funded by AECID for two ‎years. The Project aims to contribute to the fight ‎against GBV in the Gaza Strip

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Send back street ‎children to school

  • 2018-11-13

AISHA Association in partnership with WILPF is ‎currently implementing the project of "Send back ‎drop-out children to school in Beach Camp – Gaza". ‎The project has been started at (November-2018) ‎targeting 42 children drop-outs from schools in the ‎Gaza Strip. The project aims to contribute to ‎improving the living condition of the children who ‎dropped out of their schools and reintegrate them ‎in their schools at the Beach Camp in the Gaza Strip ‎through a set of interventions including the ‎following: Conduct family counseling sessions for ‎the parents of the drop-out children, Organize ‎discussion groups sessions between t ...

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Supporting local ‎initiatives to advance ‎psychological support ‎and empowerment of ‎vulnerable women over ‎‎18 and girls under 18 in ‎Gaza through in yoga ‎and social circus training

  • 2018-09-01

The main Project Goal is to empower Palestinian ‎women and girls in Gaza through improved mental ‎and physical wellbeing. The main activities of the ‎project are: Training of Trainers (ToT) – continuing ‎training for trainers for the current participants of ‎the pilot project (19 on yoga and 13 on social ‎circus). This will be in the form of three 2-week ‎trainings with visiting international trainers (twice ‎during the 6 months, the international trainers will ‎be recruited on a volunteer basis, and expected to ‎raise their own funds for travel). -‎ Weekly ‎classes in social circus for 45 women and girls led by ‎women from the ToT (3 ...

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Comprehensive ‎Protection Response ‎through provision of ‎psycho-social and ‎mental health services ‎for conflict affected ‎population in the Gaza ‎strip

  • 2018-06-06

The project aims to contribute to alleviating the ‎impact of conflict on the psychosocial and mental ‎health wellbeing of affected women, men, boys ‎and girls in the Gaza Strip. The main outcomes of ‎the project are: 1) enhanced access to quality ‎psycho-social and mental health services to conflict ‎affected women, men, boys and girls in the Gaza ‎strip and 2) Targeted communities are able to ‎provides rapid and quality response and enhance ‎the copying mechanisms and resilience for the ‎families of affected population in the Gaza strip.‎

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Promoting the Human ‎right-based approach to ‎protect the rights of ‎Women with Disability ‎in the Gaza Strip

  • 2018-04-11

The project “Promoting human rights-based ‎approach to protect the rights of women with ‎disabilities in the Gaza strip” targets women with ‎disabilities to alleviate their human suffering, save ‎their lives and maintain their human dignity. The ‎project provides psychosocial group counseling; ‎individual counseling sessions via the GBV Mobile ‎Clinic; substance abuse and mental health ‎treatment; referral to professional protection and ‎case management services provided by specialized ‎protection facilities and networks and other service ‎providers; and awareness-raising on Gender, GBV ‎and available protection measures, and women & ...

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Toward legal ‎empowerment of ‎community to support ‎women legal rights in ‎the Gaza City and north ‎of Gaza City. [Sawasya ‎II]‎

  • 2018-03-17

The project is building on the efforts of SAWASYA ‎phase I and the inception phase of Sawasya II ‎aiming at advancing the rule of law, integrity, ‎gender justice and human rights in Palestine. As in ‎SAWASYA phase I and phase regarding the ‎presentation of women in courts and the ‎awareness raise for women and their families. ‎Aisha in this project will continue its working in ‎these fields and targeting more number of people ‎because needs were noticed through implanting ‎the activities of the previous phases. This project ‎will continue the achievements of the previous ‎projects phase I and phase II in many aspects, ‎awareness raising, cap ...

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Empowerment ‎Program for Female ‎Heads of Household

  • 2018-03-03

The goal of this project was to address the ‎particular needs of 168 FHHs through building their ‎life and financial skills in Gaza city, so they become ‎able to depend on themselves and have power to ‎face the life and its difficulties without any need ‎from others. It is worth mentioning that we ‎implemented this project in partnership with 7 ‎CBOs of Gaza city at the five Governorates. In ‎addition to that we made an open day for these ‎women hosted the loan companies to introduce ‎themselves.‎

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Comprehensive ‎Protection Response ‎for women at risk and ‎survivors of GBV in the ‎most vulnerable ‎communities of the ‎Gaza Strip

  • 2018-02-03

AISHA through this project aiming to protect the ‎rights of the Palestinian population living under ‎occupation in the Gaza Strip according to the ‎International Humanitarian Law. Goal will be ‎achieved through providing comprehensive ‎services to the targeted women Victim of violence ‎by applying and using Individual Empowerment ‎Model – IEM.‎

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Green Hopes Gaza: ‎Social and ‎environmental re-‎development project in ‎the popular districts of ‎Al Nada, Al Isba and Al ‎Awada” (phase 1)‎

  • 2018-01-05

Reconstruction process for all the area of Al-Nada ‎Towers where new public garden will be ‎established and psychosocial support for the ‎people residents of the area, the project is 2 years ‎and in partnership with CISS and ACS.‎

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Digitalization for Human ‎Rights ‎

  • 2017-11-10

Digitalization for Human ‎Rights ‎ AISHA in partnership with UNWOMEN, UN-Habitat, ‎Palestinian Housing Council and GGetway will ‎utilize digital technologies to advance women’s and ‎youth’s rights to participation in post-conflict ‎recovery planning and implementation, in ‎particular to support developing public spaces, ‎ensuring gender sensitivity and inclusiveness of ‎marginalized groups such as IDPs, youth, and ‎female heads of households. In addition, the ‎proposed project will utilize digital technology as a ‎tool for community empowerment. Access to ‎information is a basic human right that enables ‎communities to act ...

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Economic ‎empowerment for ‎sustainable change (Job ‎opportunities for young ‎females in Gaza‎

  • 2017-10-05

The project contributes in alleviating poverty and ‎promoting sustainable livelihoods, self-‎employment and income opportunities among ‎young female victims of violence who economically ‎deprived and socially marginalized in the Gaza Strip. ‎The specific objectives that will be achieved at the ‎end of project period include that young female ‎victims of violence developed capacities to engage ‎in community development, young female victims ‎of violence accessed economic opportunities, and ‎community and formal institutions increased ‎knowledge and sensitization on women's potential ‎economic and productive roles in society. AISHA ‎will a ...

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Economic ‎empowerment for ‎Female head of ‎household‏.‏

  • 2017-07-07

The project contributes in alleviating poverty and ‎promoting sustainable livelihoods, self-‎employment and income opportunities among ‎women victims of violence who are economically ‎deprived and socially marginalized in the Gaza Strip. ‎The specific objectives that will be achieved at the ‎end of project period include that women victims ‎of violence developed capacities to engage in ‎community development, women victims of ‎violence accessed economic opportunities, and ‎community and formal institutions increased ‎knowledge and sensitization on women's potential ‎economic and productive roles in society. AISHA ‎applies Theory Of Chang ...

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Economic empowerment for Female head of household

  • 2017-06-06

  Economic empowerment for Female head of hous

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Aisha community ‎center for mental ‎health and drug abuse.‎

  • 2017-05-13

Aisha community ‎center for mental ‎health and drug abuse.‎ For purposes of this protocol, after reviewing many of approaches for treatment of people with substance uses, we developed this protocol to provide comprehensive care  whether psychological or physical , and encourage people with substance uses to stop substance abuse with relieve pain withdrawal symptoms. In other hand, this protocol dealing with people with substance abuse in close sitting and the care extends out the center through regular follow-up. International therapeutic standards used in the development of the Protocol, it have been revised to suit Palestinian society.

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Protecting Children and ‎Adolescents from ‎Gender Based Violence ‎through the Promotion ‎of their Sexual and ‎Reproductive Rights in ‎the Gaza Strip- SRHR

  • 2017-05-13

AISHA through equipped the skills and techniques ‎of Parents and teachers to practice PD, and ‎increase their knowledge to eliminate VAC, and ‎aiming to increased awareness among targeted ‎communities on positive discipline and elimination ‎of violence against children, AISHA implemented ‎several activities such as SRHR awareness session ‎for children aged from (10-17) and their parents, ‎Positive discipline awareness sessions for parents, ‎TOT trainings for service providers, organize media ‎campaign phase 2 #, and aiming to provide high ‎quality services to the most vulnerable people ‎‎(women and children) AISHA through ‎implementing n ...

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Young Women Leaders- ‎within UNRWA Gender ‎Initiative Program ‎

  • 2016-04-12

The project aims to enhance employment ‎opportunities for young female graduates in the ‎Gaza Strip. Specifically, the activities of the YWLP ‎are designed to enhance the skills of participants to ‎improve their access to and opportunities in the ‎labor market.‎

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Comprehensive ‎Protection Response ‎for women at risk and ‎survivors of GBV in the ‎most vulnerable ‎communities of the ‎Gaza Strip

  • 2016-02-05

  The project consist from 3 phases, 1) elementary ‎phase for one month for the selection of women, ‎identify the suitable vocational training for each ‎participant, prepare the individual plan through ‎individual counselling, and home visits to evaluate ‎the economic situation. 2‎‏) ‏ Implementation phase for 6 months where women ‎attend the vocational training on daily basis and ‎attend group and individual sessions on social, ‎psychological, economic, and legal issues. 3) the ‎third phase is the follow up phase for 2 months ‎where women start their income generating ‎business‏. ‏  

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Improved Holistic Protection Services to Women and Girls Victims of violence in the Gaza Strip

  • 2015-10-08

Project Name: Improved Holistic Protection Services to Women and Girls

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Toward legal ‎empowerment of ‎community to support ‎women legal rights in ‎the Gaza City and north ‎of Gaza City. [Sawasya]‎

  • 2015-05-20

The project aims to support community's legal ‎empowerment to enhance access to justice and ‎security for women victims of violence through ‎promoting legal intervention in the Gaza Strip.‎

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Shifting ‎perspectives: Engaging ‎men and boys in ‎addressing GBV against ‎women and girls in ‎Gaza Strip"‎

  • 2015-05-09

The project advance women's human rights, ‎women participation, women empowerment and ‎peace building through addressing the use of non-‎violent ways to resolve conflicts that promote ‎respect and dignity of women and strengthen the ‎social fabric and social security within the ‎Palestinian families and community contributing in ‎peace building in the region. The project targeted ‎‎75 men from Gaza Strip named “Ambassadors for ‎Women Rights” who trained on women rights and ‎GBV, respectful confrontation, Engaging Men and ‎Boys for Gender Equality facilitated by Promundo-‎US, and how to enhance women situation in the ‎Gaza ...

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Toward legal empowerment to community to support woman legal rights at the north of Gaza Strip and t

  • 2015-05-08

Toward legal empowerment to community to support woman legal rights at

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Toward Just & Secure Future for Women

  • 2015-05-03

This project aims to improve Women and Girls’ ‎Access to Justice and Security by Ensuring ‎Accountable Service Provision”.‎

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Improved Holistic ‎Protection Services to ‎Women and Girls ‎Victims of violence in ‎the Gaza Strip

  • 2015-04-15

The project aims to improve psychological status ‎and SGBV awareness of women, men, girls and ‎boys on overcrowded households in the Gaza strip

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Economic ‎empowerment for ‎sustainable change (Job ‎opportunities for young ‎females in Gaza)‎

  • 2015-04-01

The project contributes in alleviating poverty and ‎promoting sustainable livelihoods, self-‎employment and income opportunities among ‎young female victims of violence who economically ‎deprived and socially marginalized in the Gaza Strip. ‎The specific objectives that will be achieved at the ‎end of project period include that young female ‎victims of violence developed capacities to engage ‎in community development, young female victims ‎of violence accessed economic opportunities, and ‎community and formal institutions increased ‎knowledge and sensitization on women's potential ‎economic and productive roles in society. AISHA ‎will a ...

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Shifting perspectives of ‎men and boys of ‎Masculinity and Gender ‎Equality

  • 2015-03-03

The project designed to engage men and boys in ‎building peace through transformative approaches, ‎empowering them with new skills and resources to ‎question and transform rigid and violent narratives ‎of masculinity, and adopt peaceful and positive ‎sense of masculinity. The workshop and training ‎materials addressed the concept of masculinity, ‎importance of engaging men in achieving gender ‎justice and the existing narratives about ‎masculinity, as well as examining power, emotions ‎and violence, and finally conflict transformation ‎and activism. Furthermore, awareness raising ‎sessions and workshops conducted with the ‎school’s stu ...

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Wajd Project

  • 2015-02-14

  This project aims to contribute to the rehabilitation of women, the mothers of the orphans of the Israeli aggression on Gaza in 2014 in order to develop their abilities in dealing with the psychological, social and economic dependencies of the loss in their families and empower them socially, psychologically and economically empower them and enable their opportunities for the advancement of their families and support their children and provide income that allows them to live in dignity to begin their lives.

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Toward a better and ‎more secure ‎environment for ‎women victims of ‎violence

  • 2014-05-09

The project aims to contribute in building the ‎capacity of women (civic awareness and life skills, ‎vocational training, how to manage small-income ‎generating business and psychological support) ‎towards empowering women (to have more ‎autonomy and power on their lives). Also, this ‎project aims to help these women to find ‎appropriate jobs opportunities in CSO and private ‎sectors after receiving the training, moreover to ‎participate in public life (voluntary work, own ‎private small business, membership in trade unions ‎and participate in elections).‎

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Toward a better and ‎more secure ‎environment for ‎women victims of ‎violence

  • 2014-03-10

Toward a better and ‎more secure ‎environment for ‎women victims of ‎violence The project aims to contribute in building the ‎capacity of women (civic awareness and life skills, ‎vocational training, how to manage small-income ‎generating business and psychological support) ‎towards empowering women (to have more ‎autonomy and power on their lives). Also, this ‎project aims to help these women to find ‎appropriate jobs opportunities in CSO and private ‎sectors after receiving the training, moreover to ‎participate in public life (voluntary work, own ‎private small business, membership in trade unions ‎and participate in elections) ...

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For a Life Free of ‎Violence

  • 2013-02-01

The project contributes in alleviating poverty and ‎promoting sustainable livelihoods, self-‎employment and income opportunities among ‎women victims of violence who economically ‎deprived and socially marginalized in the Gaza Strip. ‎The specific objectives that will be achieved at the ‎end of project period include that young female ‎victims of violence developed capacities to engage ‎in community development, women victims of ‎violence accessed economic opportunities, and ‎community and formal institutions increased ‎knowledge and sensitization on women's potential ‎economic and productive roles in society. AISHA ‎will apply Theory of ...

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