The project contributes in alleviating poverty and promoting sustainable livelihoods, self-employment and income opportunities among young female victims of violence who economically deprived and socially marginalized in the Gaza Strip. The specific objectives that will be achieved at the end of project period include that young female victims of violence developed capacities to engage in community development, young female victims of violence accessed economic opportunities, and community and formal institutions increased knowledge and sensitization on women's potential economic and productive roles in society. AISHA will apply Theory of Change to promote women's economic empowerment through two levels: 1) Individual change at young female victims of violence level (Outcome 1: young female victims of violence are emerged with life, technical and vocational and business management knowledge and skills and motivated to engage in community development & Outcome 2: young female victims of violence enhanced sustainable livelihoods, self-employment and income opportunities), and 2) Systemic change at community and government actors’ level.