Aisha association organized workshop which entitled( killings for honors )

Aisha association for woman and children protection organized workshop in cooperation with (thalf aml)which entitled( killings for honors ) for an number of ladies of different age ranging from 17 to 5.

At this meeting Mrs. Asmaa Abu lehya focus on talking about 3 different subject which is killing for honors , subject(18) from punishment law and psychological effects on society on freedom killing for honors .

Mrs. Asmaa Abu lehya beginning workshop talking about killing for honors, defined it ,considering it as a form of violence against woman , also she is talk about the concept of honors in the middle of Gaza society , then she is move to talk about text of subject(18) from punishment law of 1936 that give killer the right to benefit from mitigating excuse in law ,also talking about legal and legislative challenges in Applying law ,and the impact of political division on increasing the percentage of killing .

Then Mrs. Sohyla sarhan start to took about the the affect of killing for honors on society.

Finally the workshop ended with suggest a set of recommendations including cancel subject (18) of punishment law and applied the decision that issued by Mahmud Abbas for crimes killing for honors.