Aisha Association held its annual woman closing festival as an activity within campaign to elimination violence against women

Aisha association
held its annual woman closing festival as an activity within the 16 days
campaign to elimination violence against women which funded from kvinna till
kvinna under the title (all we wish, pain to finish, let's create the future by
All we aspire,
Pain to expire,,, let's create the future by ourselves
The Celebrationheld in El-Slam Restaurant on Sunday 23/12/2012 and its included graduation
for more than 40 Participant from individual empowerment programpartnerships.
The Celebrationmanaged by the social worker Jawaher Brakat,
Executive Director of Aisha association Reem frainah begin the speech, where
she talked about the Violence against women as it's a cultural heritage that has a
long history, also she confirmed that despite all efforts to enhance the status
of woman in society, there is a lot of obstacles especially customs and
traditions that not subject to any logic or legal or even religious references.Also she confirmed that Aisha Association believes in the importance
of empowering women politically, socially, culturally and economically to
enable women from participating in the community sustainable development.
Then the
specialist Ayat abu Jayab spoke about the services provided by Aisha
association within individual empowerment program which is the main activity in
Aisha association.
As well as the Celebrationcontained several entertainment paragraphs including folklore and
Palestinian heritage like Dabka. On the other side, the Celebrationincluded operate paragraph which entitled (Court of Conscience) which discussed
psychological, social, and legal problems for women such as early marriage, and
deprivation of inheritance and education, with Lyric and dramatic manner,
demanding the law and all in charge people to give women all its right as women
form half the society, and they have an important role in the process of
sustainable development.
Also the trainees
had their share in the Celebration ,where one of them talked about her success
story and how she benefit from the program, in addition she spoke about her
suffering before joining Aisha which helps her to enhance self confidence
abilities .
At last,
certificates were distributed to all participants; also specialist worker
Jwaher Brakat thanked all those who contributed to the success of this
Celebration, and special thanks for the donor Organization Kvinna till Kvinna
for supporting Palestinian women in all levels.