Closing of group psycho-social session on GMR project

Aisha Association for child and woman protection has finalized 300 psychosocial support sessions for women and girls who are GBV victims and affected by Great March of Return in Gaza Strip.
Aisha has cooperated with more than 27 CBOs along Gaza strip to facilitate the psych support sessions for women as 60 sessions were held in each governorate, Gaza, North, Middle, Khanyunis and Rafah.
These sessions aims to help women to improve their psychosocial wellbeing encourage better connections between them and their family members build a better sense of self and community to support themselves and their family.
"Before joining the project, I was shy and had isolated attitude because of my injury in the GMR, but after that, I became more social and participate in family and community events." S.A a woman from North participated in psychosocial support sessions and other services from Aisha association.
These activities are implemented under the project, "Protecting and Strengthening the Resilience of Women and Girls Affected by the Great March of Return in the Gaza Strip" in partnership with UN Women and funded by the People of Japan.