Finalization of a training course to School Counselors and Mental Health’s teachers from Ministry of Education

Aisha Association for Woman and Child Protection finalized a training for School Counselors and Mental Health’s teachers from Ministry of Education from all governorate in Gaza, the training was within the project " Shifting Views of Men and Boys about Violence and Gender Equality ", funded by UN-Women and Sweden Agency for International Development.
The training was concluded by Mr. Elyas Al- Jelda, Head of Board of Directors, Dr. Ahmad Al- Hwajri, General Director of Counseling and Inclusive Education, and Mrs. Abeer Al- Shrafi, Head of Counseling and Inclusive Education at Ministry of Education.
Mr. Elias Al Jelda talk about the importance of such partnership with the ministry and stressed on the importance of spreading justice and equality between gender.
Mr. Elias expressed his grateful to MoE for the great partnership with Aisha and thanked the counselors and teachers who participated in the training.
In the end, the participants get a certificates’ training with 30 training hours, from 10/2/2018 to 22/2/2018.