Amal Coalition conduct conference called “women’s voices during conflict” – Gaza 2014

Gaza, Sunday 28 December, 2014 Amal Coalition conduct conference called “women’s voices during conflict” at Rashad Shawwa cultural center- Gaza city, This conference is conducted to mark the 16 days of activism against gender violence. It is supported by UN Women and Kvinna till Kvinna foundation. The release stated that the event begun with speech of The Amal coalition to Combat Violence Against Woman, where Miss Tahany Qasem said “ the conference coming after serial of events implemented by Amal coalition, and was organized under the slogan “Protection, Freedom, Dignity”, she confirmed that Palestinian women still suffering from all types and forms of violence such as, political violence directed against Palestinian people from Israeli occupation authority which illustrated in oppressive practices which deprived many women of their rights to live a real life.
Since years ago, Israel occupation imposed aggressive blockade against Gaza strip, which exacerbate the suffering of Palestinian people specially women from 2008-2009 aggression, 2012 aggression and the last one was in 2014, which still Palestinian people unable to get rid of its consequences.
In regards of community, Tahany Qassem said “we notice that violence against women still constitute a high percentage and perpetrated in all its forms. This consider as an dangerous indication beginning with the verbal abuse even the perpetration murder crimes against women without accountable the offender. She add “ Amal coalition confirms that the violence against women consider a violation of human rights and basic liberties, also women have the right to live in dignity and safety, in addition women have the right to enjoy in equal living with men.
Tahani Al Qassem appealed by her speech The Palestinian Authority represented of Abu Mazen to prosecute and accountable Israel for its crimes which perpetrated against whole Palestinian society specially women. Also, to reform the legal system which related to women's rights Protection. In addition she declaim all Palestinian political parties to get rid of disputes, and to look into and find a solution for Palestinian society problems which suffering from since years ago, as well as to work to resolve contentious issues between the two previous governments.
On the other hand, Heba Al Zayan, the representative of UN WOMEN, confirmed according to the United Nation decisions that women need to have protection during wars, and they have the rights to be active participants in building and developing their society.
Also, Heba al zayan appealed responsible person to consolidate the efforts to combat violence against women and continuing in Lobbying and advocacy campaigns with strategic visions. She clarify that UNWOMEN working on many of programs and interventions that focus on the women protection from violence, and working on economic and political empowerment programs.
Furthermore, Thuraya Huseen, representative of Forum of NGOs to combat violence against women, emphasized on the title of conference and she said “the last Israeli offensive was affected on Palestinian women’s voices which increased their courage to claim their rights”.
In addition, many women was imposed their existence through the quota and through the social media, all of them refused and deprecate Israeli offensive against Gaza strip. Those women who create the purposefulness and proved that Israeli offensive not only against Palestinian society but it is against the whole world, and Israel does not defy the palestinian resistance but it abandoned off the system of values and ethics.
Finally, the conference show a live testimonies on Israeli offensive and honoring them. Also the conference concluded with a poem for Ilham Abu Daher, and with "Al Bal" Dabcka group.