Aisha Association implemented National Campaign about youth participation in local governance

Aisha Association for Women and Child Protection commissioned by the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development German, in partnership with PYALARA and in coordination with Municipal Development and Lending Fund (MDLF) implemented National Campaign about youth participation in local governance on Monday 2/2/2015. The campaign aimed to involve youth in decision-making processes.
4 groups conducted in the campaign. The first group targeted the local community and distributed plastic bags including apples, papers that have some statements on youth participation and notebook and took pictures to youths carrying papers have statements on youth participation. The second group targeted the taxi stations and distributed stickers among cars that include several statements about youth participation and traffic safety and distributed notebooks. The third group put a large banner in different universities and asked University students to write their opinions about the youth participation on it.. The forth group managed social media pages and created a joint Hashtag for the national campaign and broadcasted campaign events and activities on the page.